About Me / Über Mich

Greenville, SC, United States
Herein lie the documented adventures, misadventures, and multicultural mishaps of Kitten, a vegetarian with vegan tendencies, Schatz, her omni boyfriend, and Tippi, their bird.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How to Make Your Fireplace Look Nice, Even When You're Not So Good at Fire

As the days have gotten cooler and the nights have gotten downright colder, we've been looking for ways to get ready for fall.  Schatz and I have discussed using the fireplace, but we're too cheap to call out a chimney sweep.  Also, I, Kitten, do not know how to start a fire from kindling.  So it seems that decorating the fireplace with Christmas lights was a fun, safe, affordable, and festive solution.

PS  We rescued a puppy from the pound.  Her name is Zhuchka.  She is terribly well behaved (except for the potty-training bit) and sweet.